Youth Programs
An acolyte is a young person who performs ceremonial duties at the altar such as carrying the processional cross, lighting the candles, and assisting the priests prepare for Holy Communion. At St. Francis, the acolyte program is an integral part of our children’s Christian experience and offers them the ability to be fully participating members of the church. Acolytes typically serve one Sunday per month. Junior acolytes are paired with more seasoned acolytes to help them learn the ropes and gain confidence at the altar. Acolytes may choose to stay in church during the full service or excuse themselves after the procession to attend church school with their friends. New members are always welcome. Questions about the Acolyte Program may be directed to our acolyte director, Bill Johnston . Contact the office and you will be directed to Bill.
An acolyte is a young person who performs ceremonial duties at the altar such as carrying the processional cross, lighting the candles, and assisting the priests prepare for Holy Communion. At St. Francis, the acolyte program is an integral part of our children’s Christian experience and offers them the ability to be fully participating members of the church. Acolytes typically serve one Sunday per month. Junior acolytes are paired with more seasoned acolytes to help them learn the ropes and gain confidence at the altar. Acolytes may choose to stay in church during the full service or excuse themselves after the procession to attend church school with their friends. New members are always welcome. Questions about the Acolyte Program may be directed to our acolyte director, Bill Johnston . Contact the office and you will be directed to Bill.
If you are looking for a life-changing service opportunity for your teen, please investigate Sierra Service Project (SSP). Every summer our St. Francis Youth Group participates in this week-long summer service project repairing homes in native American communities. Sierra Service Project gives our youth the ability to experience the profound power of serving people who have a cultural and life experience very different from their own here in Silicon Valley. This is also a great opportunity to meet teens from other youth groups within the diocese. Scholarships are available for teens needing financial help.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, SSP for 2020 is transitioning to an online format. For more information, contact Leah Tedeschi.
Our next Confirmations will take place in the Fall of 2022 Confirmation Classes will take place in the months preceding If you are interested in participating email The Rector. Since baptism typically occurs at a very young age, those baptized usually go through a second process in their Christian development called Confirmation. Confirmation is considered a mature public statement of faith and commitment to the responsibilities of Holy Baptism. The highlight of this very special service is the laying on of hands by the bishop. At St. Francis, we conduct a Confirmation class and service every other year. Confirmation is a very personal decision made by each individual. As such, we encourage young people to wait until the time is right to begin Confirmation preparations. For some, this may be 13, while others may be 18 or older. But Confirmation is not only for the young. Baptized adults are also encouraged to participate in this very special and spiritual process. An application form for Confirmation may be downloaded here. |
Sunday Service Times
The Holy Eucharist, 8:00 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. in-person and 10:15 a.m. livestream |