We ask every member to invest in our church with your time, your talent and your treasure. We ask each member to commit a percentage of your income as a gift to God through St. Francis’. We leave that percentage to you, but we know that the national average of gifts to churches is about 2.6%, and we think St. Francis’ is a little bit above average. So if you don’t know what percentage of your income to give to St. Francis’, we suggest you start by considering 3%, and see what that looks like. Some of our parishioners have adopted the Biblical tithe as their benchmark for giving, and find it a meaningful and satisfying practice.
We also ask every parishioner to remember your church in your will, maybe with a percentage of your estate to be left to the church as a permanent legacy of your care. Talk to a financial advisor. There are many creative ways to make a significant planned-giving bequest, and many of them have very attractive tax benefits. Whatever you give, do it gratefully. |
For detailed information on the different ways you may give to St. Francis, select from the drop-down menu on the "Giving" tab, above.
ALTAR FLOWERS: We invite you to have flowers dedicated to loved ones. The dedication might be for a birthday, anniversary, in memory of someone, or in thanksgiving for blessings. The suggested donation is $35. Please remember to clearly indicate "Flowers" on the memo line of your check or sign up online at
Sunday Service Times
The Holy Eucharist, 8:00 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. in-person and 10:15 a.m. livestream |